“Process Factory has the ability to reduce the complexity of projects by creating simple and smart solutions that are easy to implement and based on a strong knowledge of key integrations between insurance companies’ core systems and external solutions such as EDI and Digital Motor Register”.
Insurance business applications - IBA

Søren Degn Jahns
Founder and CTO
Integrations between insurance companies and third-parties
IBA is a Danish software company with global sales and service. IBA’s core product is the insurance platform IBSuite, a proprietary SaaS (Software as a Service) product developed specifically for the insurance industry.
IBA uses Process Factory for integrations between insurance companies’ core systems and external systems such as Forsikring & Pension’s EDI-solutions and the Digital Motor Register (DMR).
Based on our expertise in Danish country-specific integrations, Process Factory has helped IBA and their customers with necessary system integrations.
We offer IBA and their customers in the Danish insurance industry easy and smart integration solutions with a focus on flexibility and problem-solving.
Our consultants have developed a set of integrations that can be reused, so they don’t have to be built from scratch for every new customer. They can simply be adapted to each customer’s needs.
Examples of projects for IBA
- Integration solutions to Forsikring & Pension’s EDI solution
- Integration solutions to the Digital Motor Register (DMR)
- Advice on business automation for IBA’s customers
- Guidance on the use of our solutions in combination with IBSuite
- Consultants for diverse IT-projects for IBA